In case you don't understand the joke, pull up a video tutorial of painting by Duncan..... Go ahead.... I'll wait.... (Gets a drink of water) ...... There it is!! You see the reference is to painting. I mostly agree with this, but then there is yellow. Expect like 5 thin coats! Ayaya
Moving on, I decided to reward my character model of Tumala (from my last battle) and one of the gangers, Rhosin. Tumala is equipped with a chem thrower and Rhosin has a power sword and pistol.
Like my other three painted Escher gangers, I painted the armour of these tough fighting chicks with yellow. This is something I originally wasn't a fan of because, well, yellow! It's a real pain to paint. However, the models look so good with that yellow armor that I just had to keep going with it.
Let me add that they are based gray because Duncan said so. Personally, I would not base them gray again. I'm just not a fan of it.
I used Averland Sunset for the first color, as you can see below. You should never worry about mistakes at this point, you are going to paint over it when you paint your next color.
Then, as per Duncan's instructions, I painted the trim around the yellow Abaddon Black. This is like a tanktop or shirt underneath. It is also a great way to make the yellow standout, almost like it's outlined.
Next I decided to get the base colors on the pants and belts. Here I used Mournfang Brown and Eshin Grey for the pants. The pelt hanging off of Rhosin was painted bone. The hair color was easy, but I did want to give Tumala a more original shade. We started with good ol Troll Slayer Orange to get a base color down. I had a difficult time deciding how I was going to paint Tumala's boots, but I think I came up with a brilliant idea to make the buckles look more like gems. You'll see... Oh and then I added Leadbelcher Silver to complete all the base colors.
Once all the base colors were applied, I felt pretty good about myself. Now though I don't have pictures, there was some time spent on touching up the models. Plan on time to do this, but avoid spending more than an hour on it. There comes a point where you have to let small mistakes go kinda like Kintsukuroi fine china. Have you seen this before?
Now you know what I mean :) So I used several washes (and accidentally used glossy versions) that included Reikland Fleshshade, Nuln Oil, and Agrax Earthshade. I also used a couple of inks from old school GW lines. I used the Red ink for Tumala's hair and the Chestnut ink for the brown belts. I forgot how much I loved those colors!!
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Prewash. |
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Postwash. |
After the washes, I did gobs of highlighting and just forgot to take photos. I added the ink to Tumala's hair and then drybrushed some yellow, blonde-like strands. I think it came out cool as all get out!!
For both of them, I highlighted the face, muscles, metal, yellow, and brown straps. I should technically highlight the black and paint the eyes, but I don't think I'm that good....yet. And of course, I added the chem spray by using my favorite ghost technical paint, Waystone Green.
Finally, I based the models and called them done, or at least table-top ready.
So it was a fun experience painting these two models. It took about 3 full days (8 hours each) to paint the two of them. I am not a fast painter, but I do try to enjoy myself. Below I have included a few photos of the painted gangers on my Escher team. This is partly to show them off, partly to show the yellow terrain that Jay is close to completing, and partly to taunt Jay. He hasn't painted one ganger yet. What's taking you so long ol buddy, ol pal??
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